New Gated Parking Permit & Access Process

Click here for New Gated Parking Zones Map.

Starting this 2024-2025 permit year, staff, faculty, current ADA gated, and retirees will need to add themselves to a gated waiting list to obtain a new parking permit, beginning on June 18th.  Even if you already have a gated permit or were on the now closed Central Gated Waiting List, you still need to add yourself to a new waiting list if you desire to purchase a new gated permit.  Gated permits will now be restricted to a specific parking zone within the gated core and a waiting list will be used to issue permits for each new gated parking zone.  The traffic control gates will continue to be in their current location and the permits will allow entry into any gate, but vehicles will be required to park in permitted zone.

To add yourself to the waiting list, simply log into your parking portal, click on “Next”, and select “Gated Parking Waiting list” located next to the permit section.  Each staff and faculty should rank the parking zones from 1 to 4, with 1 being their most preferred and 4 being their least preferred.

Permits will be awarded based on two-weighting values: 1) years of consecutively purchasing a gated permit, and 2) date and time of adding yourself to the waiting list. Please note that it is likely that everyone will not receive their top gated preference, so it’s important to purchase the permit that is available for you on the designated sales date to ensure you have a permit.  We will evaluate the waiting lists as spaces become available and upgrade your permit accordingly.

Waiting list will work in the following way:

  • You rank the zones in the order of your preference.
  • The waiting list is processed.
  • If selected for a gated permit, you will receive a notification email.
  • Purchase your awarded gated permit (or a regular staff permit if you aren't selected)
  • You will remain on any waiting list ranked above the zone you were selected for and as space becomes available, we will issue permits to those on the waiting list.


  • Lee Boulevard Zone (Gated parking lots around Lee Hall, George Hall, Harned Hall).
  • Hardy Road Zone (Gated parking lots at Hand lab, Rula and Music building).
  • President Circle Zone (Gated parking lots east & west of Allen Hall and McCarthy Gym).
  • Tracy Drive Zone (Lloyd Ricks Lot).

Important Dates

June 18 - Waiting Lists Open at 8 AM.  Starting on this date, you can add yourself to the waiting lists.

July 9 - Permit Selection.  On the 9th, we will process the waiting lists based on the above-mentioned weighting values and emails will be sent to each person selected for a gated zone indicating their selected zone.

July 10 - Staff Permit Purchase Day.  Starting on the 10th, staff can purchase their selected permit.  Even if you are not selected for your 1st choice, we encourage you to purchase your awarded permit so that you have a gated permit.  As space become available in the various zones, we will invite the next in line from each waiting list to fill the available spaces.

July 31 - Permit Purchase Deadline.  If you do not purchase your selected gated permit by this date, the permit will be removed from your queue, and you will be required to purchase a non-gated permit.  If after this date you want to be considered for another gated permit, you will be required to add yourself back to the waiting lists of your choice.

August 1 - From this date forward, we will backfill any unpurchased gated permits from the waiting list.  Once the semester begins, we will also do daily evaluations of each gated zone and if consistent space is monitored, we will add people from the waiting list.