For departments who want to offer daily parking permits to their guests, we now offer a streamlined digital process through ParkMobile. The vehicle and license plate number are registered to park through an access code and registration link sent by the department, no display of a physical permit is required.
This allows for departments to contact guests prior to visiting campus for parking registration. Guests can register at any time once the access code and registration link are received. Once a request is sent, a Transportation staff member will contact the department and provide the access code and registration link (the link can be viewed here). Departments are billed for the quantity and type of permits requested; guests register to park at no cost.
Options include non-gated, gated, metered and event parking. Metered, gated and event parking requests require an event date to process, while non-gated “All Campus” permits can be ordered in bulk, saved, and sent as needed for future events and guests.
Non-Gated Parking Access
- All Campus Access
- This option allows for parking in all zones excluding gated, service, reserved or timed/metered
- The requesting department will receive the requested number of access codes and the registration link which can be kept on hand to disseminate when needed
- Codes do not expire until registered
- This option is available for single day, 3-day, and 5-day parking access. Single day permits are $3 per permit, 3- day permits are $9 per permit and 5-day permits are $15 per permit
Gated Parking Access
- These permits allow for parking in corresponding lots within Central Gated, excluding service and reserved spaces (any gate can be entered, but parking must be in the specified lot)
- The requesting department will receive the requested number of access codes and the registration link for the specific dated requested
- Codes expire after specific date requested
- This option is available in single day, 2-day or 3-day parking access. Unreserved gated permits are $15 per permit, reserved gated permits (space reserved with a cone) are $20 per permit
- Departments who request gated permits will be provided the weekly gate code for guests
Metered Parking Access
- Barnes & Noble metered, Bost metered, Roberts metered, and West Lee metered
- These permits allow for parking in corresponding metered zones, excluding ADA spaces
- The requesting department will receive the requested number of access codes and the registration link for the specific date requested
- Codes expire after specific date requested
- This option comes in single day permits only. Metered permits are $25 per permit (space reserved with cone)
Large Event Parking Access
- Bost Staff, Fresh Food, Palmeiro, Rec Plex, Soccer, Wise Center, and Zacharias Village
- The requesting department will receive the event registration link (the link can be viewed here, for the dates requested
- This option is available for multi-day parking access and is $3 per day per registrant
- Registering through the URL link
- Visit URL registration link here
- Click “Reserved Parking” on the map
- Select “View All Events” under Mississippi State University
- Select event under the “Event” tab
- Click “Reserve” under the specified parking location
- Click “Continue as Guest”
- Visitor will insert relevant information to complete registration, once the “Confirm & Purchase” option is completed the visitor is registered to park for the event date/time selected
- ParkMobile Event Registration through the ParkMobile app
- Visitors will download the ParkMobile app on their smart device. Once downloaded and the app is opened, select the settings, and create an account with payment information, vehicle information, etc.
- After registering, select the “Reserve” option at the bottom of the page to begin the event registration process
- Select the blue event icon named “Mississippi State” to proceed
- Select event under “Event” tab
- Visitor will insert relevant information to complete registration, once the “Reserve Your Spot” option is selected the visitor is registered to park for the event/date time
Requests for departmental parking access can be made here. If you have any questions, you can contact Danielle Riley at 662-325-3940 or